Sandy Pine

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Sandy Pine is a 12 story mass timber high rise that, when complete, will be the tallest mass timber building in Portland.  The form of the building responds to the diagonal intersection of Sandy Boulevard, which was built to follow an existing native american path that was the shortest connection between the Willamette and Columbia Rivers, and the intersection to Pine Street that connects to the typical Portland Grid.  

In addition to 276 residential units, the project has a mixed-use ground floor that includes commercial areas, an interior public pedestrian thoroughfare, a 3,200sf ground floor lobby, a parking garage, as well as 7 ground floor live/work walk-up apartments. The project will meet the requirements of inclusionary zoning by including apartments designated for tenants meeting low income housing requirements.

The use of an innovative point supported structure featuring Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) floor panels allowed for tighter floor-to-floor dimensions that increase the number of stories possible within the height limit while providing apartment units with higher ceilings that offer more spacious and appealing living spaces.