Our firm condemns the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and all acts of explicit and implicit violence against Black lives. We share in the pain caused by these brutal events and by 400 years of racism and oppression. So many people here in Portland and across the country, are raising their voices in unprecedented ways, and that gives us hope.

Today, and with greater urgency, we commit our attention and resources to standing up for racial justice and to dismantling white supremacy. Architecture and planning can bring us together in powerful ways, or they can damage and displace communities—as we have witnessed in Portland. It is incumbent on us as architects to engage communities of color in the design process and to listen with humility.

On a community level, our firm will continue its active involvement in programs that encourage diversity in the architectural profession, and provide greater support to organizations that fight for racial justice and promote equity here in Oregon. Within our own firm, we will make learning and dialogue about antiracist practices a focal point.

There is still more we can do. Our response will evolve as we learn, but we will hold ourselves accountable. We look forward to talking with you—our clients, collaborators, and friends—about what we can do together to create a more equitable future.